Posts in Wellness
Mindful Eating: Enabling the Healing Power of Food

In a world increasingly dominated by fast food, distraction, and emotional eating, a potent movement quietly gathers momentum: mindful eating. Eschewing restrictive diets and rigid rules, mindful eating offers a transformative approach, reclaiming the power of food for both nourishment and inner peace. But what exactly is it, and how can it unlock the true healing potential hidden within our daily meals?

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Navigating Environmental Toxins in Everyday Life

In our modern world, we are constantly surrounded by a myriad of environmental toxins that can have a profound impact on our health. From pollutants in the air we breathe to chemicals in the products we use, these toxins can contribute to a range of health issues. Environmental medicine, a field that examines the connections between environmental factors and health, has become increasingly important in understanding and addressing these concerns. In this article, we will explore the impact of environmental toxins on health, discuss ways to minimize exposure, and delve into detoxification methods supported by natural medicine.

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Essentials of Health: Nurturing a Balanced Lifestyle for Well-being

In the fast-paced world we inhabit today, maintaining a balanced lifestyle has become more crucial than ever for our overall well-being. The relentless pursuit of success, coupled with the demands of modern living, often leads us to neglect the essentials of health. In this article, we will delve into the key components of a balanced lifestyle, exploring how they contribute to physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Components of a balanced lifestyle are many, but most commonly involve nutrition, physical activity, enhancing your mind-body connection, work/life balance, and maintaining your social connections.

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What Does Your Blood Type Mean for Your Health?

Your blood type is an essential piece of information that goes beyond just compatibility for blood transfusions. Recent research suggests that your blood type may provide intriguing insights into various aspects of your health, from susceptibility to certain diseases to the effectiveness of your immune system. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of blood types, exploring the science behind them and uncovering what your blood type might mean for your overall health.

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Homeopathic Children's Kit

Our Children's Homeopathic Kit features a collection of homeopathic remedies specifically designed for common health issues and ailments in children. Specially designed by Balance Into Health, our Kit provides essential natural remedies at your fingertips for your baby's or child's needs, serving every parent as a homeopathic ally on their parenting journey.

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Winter Harvest: A Guide to Healthy, Natural Winter Foods

As winter blankets the world in a chilly embrace, our dietary needs and cravings often shift to warmer, heartier fare. While it may be tempting to indulge in comfort foods laden with calories, there's a bounty of healthy, natural winter foods that can nourish our bodies and boost our immune systems during the colder months. In this article, we'll explore a variety of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and other winter staples that not only add a burst of flavor to our meals but also provide essential nutrients to keep us in optimal health.

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9 Ways to Strengthen Children’s Immune Systems

The innate and adaptive immune systems mature from infancy to adulthood. Over the past century, developed countries have seen infant mortality rate decline significantly, from 140 per 1000 to 7 per 1000. The main reason for this is good nutrition, hygiene and better protection from infections. The immunological T-cell memory develops over time resulting in young adults suffering fewer infections. Infancy and childhood are the most sensitive periods for the immune system. Here are 9 scientifically-proven ways to support a child’s immune system.

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Human Milk is Baby’s First Immunization

A mother’s milk provides antibodies which protect the baby from many common respiratory and intestinal diseases, and also contains living immune cells. First milk, Colostrum, is packed with components which increase immunity and protect the newborn’s intestines. Artificially fed babies have higher rates of middle ear infections, pneumonia, and cases of gastroenteritis (stomach flu). Breastfeeding as an infant also provides protection from developing immune system cancers such as lymphoma, bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and celiac sprue, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, all of which are related to immune system function. Breastfed babies generally mount a more effective response to childhood immunizations. In all these cases, benefits begin immediately, and improve with increased duration of breastfeeding.

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Estrogen Levels & Arrhythmias

A study has found that the sex hormone estrogen may have a negative impact on heartbeat regulation, according to an experimental study published in the journal, Science Advances. The study explored the reason why women are more likely to suffer from long-QT syndrome (LQTS), where changes in the heart’s electrical system lead to potentially life-threatening arrhythmia.

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10 Benefits of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that has been used for centuries to treat various health conditions. It is based on the principle of treating "like with like," meaning that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathy is a holistic approach that takes into account the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of a person's health. Here we present ten benefits of homeopathy.

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Tension Headaches: Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Tension headaches are quite common and, unfortunately, they're also among the most neglected and difficult headaches to treat. With a tension headache, the pain often starts at the back of your head and moves forward, so that it eventually includes your neck, scalp, and head. It's often described as feeling like you have a tight band across your head. It may be caused by staying in one position for a long time, such as in reading, using a computer, or playing video games. It may also be caused by stress, but sometimes there is no obvious cause. In this article we discuss their causes, symptoms, and treatments.

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Mugwort: It's Benefits, Side Effects, and How to Use It

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is a flowering plant native to northern Europe, Asia, and parts of North America. This sage-colored plant has seen continuous use in many cultures throughout the world as a medicinal, spiritual, and culinary ingredient since at least the Iron Age. In contemporary culture mugwort is commonly found in foods and drinks, and remains a common ingredient in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean traditional medicine, where the leaves are used directly as a food or to obtain oil extracts or tinctures. The roots, leaves, stems, and blossoms of the mugwort plant are all used in folk medicine to make tinctures, extracts, tonics, teas, powders, and essential oils. This article describes medical uses, possible side effects, and how to select and safely use mugwort.

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The Blood Type Diet - Foods to Eat and Avoid Based on Your Blood Type

Your blood type matters in ways that might surprise you: It's tied to your risk of heart disease, how much you get bit by mosquitoes and more. There's even a diet based on blood type, which proposes that people with type O blood should focus on eating different foods than, say, those with type A or B. For example, people with blood type A are advised to avoid eating red meat, and those with type O are advised to do the opposite. The general thrust of the diet is that there are optimal foods for people with various blood types O, A, B and AB. Part of the claim hinges on the idea that blood types serve as maps of our ancestral history and genetics, and that the foods commonly eaten by our ancestors are better suited for our bodies, even in the modern day.

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Health, Wellness, DietCarola Cuenca
Naturopathy In Wintertime

As we move into winter and flu season emerges now is the time to up your self-care for an improved immune system. Consider it your superpower. While we're all genetically and immunologically different, some of us are more resilient to infections than others. When you apply self-care, the benefits are universal. It's clearly preferable to act in advance while it’s still early, thus avoiding unnecessary colds and flus.

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Homeopathy: A Survival Tool for the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us, it can hold promise and potential, often unrealized, which can result in disappointment, anger, sadness or depression. Whether they are filled with happy celebrations with wonderful friends, family and food – or the realization that the magic has not happened for yet another year – homeopathic remedies can help ease and support you into and out of the season more gracefully.

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5 Hormone-Balancing Foods for Women

Hormone balance is an essential part of wellbeing, especially for women. Our hormones fluctuate a great deal throughout the month, and throughout our lives — your hormones are quite different in your thirties and forties than they were in your twenties. To help get your hormones back in check, hormone balancing foods can help.

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Diet, Health, WellnessCarola Cuenca
Homeopathic Remedies for Sore Throat

Homeopathic remedies are often effective in treating the acute symptoms of a sore throat, though professional constitutional care is usually necessary to cure chronically recurring sore throats. Children with much pain from a sore throat or those who have difficulty opening their mouth or swallowing should receive a culture to determine if they have strep.

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Eating Grapes May Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack

Like vegetables, fruits should be an essential part of your diet. After all, the seed-bearing foods contain important vitamins, nutrients, and fiber that contribute to your overall health. But some fruits are better for you than others, as findings from University of California, Los Angeles study suggest that grapes are especially helpful when it comes to lowering cholesterol and that consuming them may reduce your risk of having a heart attack.

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Lysine for Cold Sores: Everything You Need to Know

Cold sores, or fever blisters, are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1, also known as oral herpes). While there is no cure, this condition can be treated with common antiviral medications such as valacyclovir or acyclovir. A supplement you might take in addition to antivirals is lysine, an essential amino acid found in protein. It isn’t produced in your body, so you must consume it via an oral supplement or through diet.

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Health, WellnessCarola Cuenca