Homeopathy has been recognized by the World Health Organization and utilized by over half of all the Medical Doctors in Europe and India for over 100 years. Homeopathy utilizes a broad range of remedies that are made from potentized micro-dilutions of natural substances. Selecting the remedy for a given client requires finding one through careful case-taking and analysis that corresponds to a unique pattern of symptoms, including obvious, as well as subtle, strange, rare and peculiar feelings and sensations. Giving the precise remedy, or simillimum, can shift chronic imbalances dramatically and nurture true healing and vitality. The body is capable of healing itself when properly supported. Homeopathy provides the necessary support by stimulating this innate defense mechanism, which then promotes gentle, deep and permanent regression of illness and return of health.
Homeopathic remedies are without side-effects, do not negatively interact with drugs, and are considered safe for pregnant women, infants and those with pharmaceutically-dependent clients. Homeopathy has cured many imbalances quickly and safely. The U.S. FDA regulates the quality and license for manufacture and use of homeopathic medicines.