Curious about Naturopathy?
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathy is a system of medicine based on the healing power of nature. Naturopathy is a holistic system, meaning that naturopathic practitioners (NPs) or certified traditional naturopaths (CTNs) strive to find the cause of disease by understanding the body, mind, and spirit of the person. Most naturopathic practitioners use a variety of therapies and techniques (such as nutrition, behavior change, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and acupuncture. There are 2 areas of focus in naturopathy: one is supporting the body's own healing abilities, and the other is empowering people to make lifestyle changes necessary for the best possible health. While naturopathic doctors treat both short bouts of illness and chronic conditions, their emphasis is on preventing disease and educating patients.
What is the History of Naturopathy?
The modern form of naturopathy can be traced to 18th and 19th century natural healing systems. Such systems include hydrotherapy (water therapy), which was popular in Germany and nature cure, developed in Austria, based on the use of food, air, light, water, and herbs to treat illness.
Benjamin Lust, a German immigrant, first introduced naturopathy to the United States in 1902 when he founded the American School of Naturopathy. The school emphasized the use of natural cures, proper bowel habits, and good hygiene as the tools for health. This was the first time that principles of a healthy diet, like increasing fiber intake and reducing saturated fats, became popular.
In the mid 1920s to 1940, the use of naturopathic medicine declined. It was not until the 1960s that naturopathic-style holistic medicine became popular again. Today, most states recognize naturopathic practitioners as authorized care providers. They offer a variety of natural therapies, including homeopathy, vitamin and mineral supplements, Traditional Chinese Medicine, relaxation techniques, and herbal remedies.
What Should I Expect during a Naturopathic visit with Carola Cuenca?
Your office visit will be similar to a visit to your family doctor. Your first visit may take more than one hour. Carola Cuenca, CTN will take a very thorough history, asking about your diet, lifestyle, stress, and environmental exposures. Naturopathic practitioners treat the whole person, which means they consider a variety of factors before they diagnose an illness. Carola might look at your mental, emotional, and spiritual state; your diet; your family history; your environment; and your lifestyle. Naturopaths consider patients to be participants in their health care, so you may be asked to make lifestyle changes, such as changing your sleeping, eating, and exercise habits.
Be sure to let your medical doctor (M.D.) know about any naturopathic treatment, and let Carola Cuenca, CTN know about any conventional medications you are taking. Some treatments can interact with each other, and your health care practitioners will be better able to treat you if they know every therapy you are using. Do not take high doses of nutrients and herbs without Carola’s supervision, because of potential toxic effects and drug/herb interactions. Please see the monographs on individual herbs and supplements for detailed information. Make sure that your doctor approves any major changes in your diet, so they don’t undermine your health (especially in the very young, the elderly, and those with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes).
What Illnesses and Conditions Respond Well to Naturopathy?
Because naturopaths combine so many therapies, it is difficult to single out specific illnesses that respond well to naturopathy. Naturopaths treat both acute and chronic conditions from arthritis to ear infections (otitis media), from HIV to asthma, from congestive heart failure to hepatitis. They treat the whole person, rather than only treating a disease or its symptoms, aiming to help their patients maintain a balanced state of good health. Because of this holistic approach, naturopathy may be especially suited for treating chronic illnesses.
Some of the most common modalities used in Naturopathy include, but are not limited to;
Homeopathic Medicine, Nutritional Counseling, Thermography, Hormone Assessments, Herbal Medicine and Lifestyle Counseling.
Physical Medicine | This natural approach to healing involves using touch and cranialsacral to manipulate muscles, bones, and spine.
Detoxification | This therapy removes toxins from the body by fasting, using enemas, and drinking lots of water.
Spirituality | Personal spiritual development is encouraged as part of an overall health program.
Out-service referrals, such as Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Ozone Therapy and other holistic modalities.