Posts in Health
What Are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are molecules that can help your body fight off harmful free radicals, which have been linked to health conditions like diabetes and cancer. They’re found in many plant-based foods. Vitamin E and C are examples. You may have heard a lot of talk about antioxidants. However, few people know what they are or how they work. In this article we discuss antioxidants: what they are, how they work, and ways to work them into your diet.

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The Power of Sleep: Unlocking Nature's Best Remedy

For centuries, slumber has been shrouded in mystery, a time of quietude where dreams danced and consciousness retreated. Today, science is peeling back the curtain, revealing the astonishing power of sleep – not just for rejuvenation, but for optimal physical and mental health. Sleep is woven into the very fabric of our being, influencing everything from our emotional resilience to our physical vitality. Yet, in our fast-paced world, prioritizing sleep often takes a backseat. This article, tailored for readers of alternative practices, dives into the science of sleep, explores natural sleep aids, and offers practical solutions to cultivate a peaceful night's rest.

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Essentials of Health: Nurturing a Balanced Lifestyle for Well-being

In the fast-paced world we inhabit today, maintaining a balanced lifestyle has become more crucial than ever for our overall well-being. The relentless pursuit of success, coupled with the demands of modern living, often leads us to neglect the essentials of health. In this article, we will delve into the key components of a balanced lifestyle, exploring how they contribute to physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Components of a balanced lifestyle are many, but most commonly involve nutrition, physical activity, enhancing your mind-body connection, work/life balance, and maintaining your social connections.

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Winter Harvest: A Guide to Healthy, Natural Winter Foods

As winter blankets the world in a chilly embrace, our dietary needs and cravings often shift to warmer, heartier fare. While it may be tempting to indulge in comfort foods laden with calories, there's a bounty of healthy, natural winter foods that can nourish our bodies and boost our immune systems during the colder months. In this article, we'll explore a variety of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and other winter staples that not only add a burst of flavor to our meals but also provide essential nutrients to keep us in optimal health.

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Unveiling the Power of Homeopathic Remedies: A Comprehensive Guide to Cold and Flu Curatives

As the seasons change and temperatures drop, the threat of colds and flu looms large. The conventional approach to treating these common ailments often involves over-the-counter medications and rest. However, an increasing number of individuals are turning to alternative and holistic methods, such as homeopathy, to alleviate symptoms and promote overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the principles of homeopathy and delve into various homeopathic remedies that can provide relief from colds and flu.

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Human Milk is Baby’s First Immunization

A mother’s milk provides antibodies which protect the baby from many common respiratory and intestinal diseases, and also contains living immune cells. First milk, Colostrum, is packed with components which increase immunity and protect the newborn’s intestines. Artificially fed babies have higher rates of middle ear infections, pneumonia, and cases of gastroenteritis (stomach flu). Breastfeeding as an infant also provides protection from developing immune system cancers such as lymphoma, bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and celiac sprue, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, all of which are related to immune system function. Breastfed babies generally mount a more effective response to childhood immunizations. In all these cases, benefits begin immediately, and improve with increased duration of breastfeeding.

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Health Risks Associated with GMO Foods

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have been a subject of extensive research and debate over the past few decades. While they offer potential benefits such as increased crop yields and improved nutritional content, concerns have been raised about their potential health risks. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the health risks associated with GMO foods, focusing on various aspects including allergenicity, toxicity, antibiotic resistance, and unintended effects on human health. By examining the available scientific literature and contrasting different viewpoints, this article offers a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of GMO-related health risks.

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The Benefits of a Nutrition Consultation: A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Optimal Health

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become increasingly important. Nutrition plays a vital role in our overall well-being, affecting everything from our energy levels and mood to our long-term health outcomes. While many people strive to make healthy food choices, it can be challenging to navigate the vast amount of conflicting information available. This is where a nutrition consultation can be immensely beneficial. In this article, we will explore the advantages of seeking professional guidance through a nutrition consultation.

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Vitamin D & Dementia

Results of a large prospective cohort study were recently published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia, describing the association between vitamin D supplementation and dementia incidence within the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center (NACC) cohort. As the authors point out, there is considerable interest in vitamin D as a potential modifier of risk, as dementia affects 50 million people around the world and prevalence is predicted to triple by 2050, with a lack of effective medications for either treatment or prevention.

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Magnesium & Brain Volume

More evidence of the likely neuroprotective effect of magnesium was recently published in the European Journal of Nutrition. This study comes on the heels of an analysis of NHANES data published last year in Alzheimer’s & Dementia which found that a higher total intake (diet and supplemental) of magnesium was associated with better cognitive function among participants aged 60 and older.

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Watermelon & Hepatic Gene Expression

A recent study has found that the consumption of watermelon may positively impact hepatic gene expression and upregulate lipid metabolism in obese mice. The current Western diet, often characterized by intake of high levels of saturated fats, cholesterol, and refined carbohydrate, has been shown to contribute to the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), both associated with excessive fat accumulation in the liver.

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Spring is Coming - It's Liver Detox Time

We have all heard about using hormones or herbs to address our hormonal imbalances. But there is not much talk about the liver. Let’s understand the organ that does more than just detoxing. The liver is the second largest organ of the body. Your liver performs about 200 vital functions, most of which are vital for good health. Blood filtration, protein synthesis, excretion of bilirubin, hormones, cholesterol, drugs, and production of bile are just some of the important functions that the liver performs.

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10 New Year's Resolutions for Stress Relief

Around the first of the year, most of us begin turning our attention to ways we can improve our lives. While resolutions often center on developing new habits that will get us into better physical shape—Eating healthfully and getting exercise generally top most people’s lists of goals for the new year— reducing stress and getting into better mental and emotional shape can provide huge rewards. This year, consider incorporating new habits that will reduce stress and increase happiness and overall life satisfaction. Here are some important steps you can take to be a happier, healthier, and more relaxed you in the new year.

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The Blood Type Diet - Foods to Eat and Avoid Based on Your Blood Type

Your blood type matters in ways that might surprise you: It's tied to your risk of heart disease, how much you get bit by mosquitoes and more. There's even a diet based on blood type, which proposes that people with type O blood should focus on eating different foods than, say, those with type A or B. For example, people with blood type A are advised to avoid eating red meat, and those with type O are advised to do the opposite. The general thrust of the diet is that there are optimal foods for people with various blood types O, A, B and AB. Part of the claim hinges on the idea that blood types serve as maps of our ancestral history and genetics, and that the foods commonly eaten by our ancestors are better suited for our bodies, even in the modern day.

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Health, Wellness, DietCarola Cuenca
5 Hormone-Balancing Foods for Women

Hormone balance is an essential part of wellbeing, especially for women. Our hormones fluctuate a great deal throughout the month, and throughout our lives — your hormones are quite different in your thirties and forties than they were in your twenties. To help get your hormones back in check, hormone balancing foods can help.

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Diet, Health, WellnessCarola Cuenca
9 Ways to Strengthen Children’s Immune Systems

The immune system is not one single entity - it's a complex interconnected system that evolves as we age. Apart from fighting viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, the immune system also plays an important role in tissue repair - wound healing, elimination of dead cells, and formation of gut microbiota. In babies, the immune system is fragile and still developing for the first 3 months of life. Fortunately, nature designed us so that antibodies flood a baby’s system straight after birth to provide protection from infection.

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Health, Immunity, DietCarola Cuenca
10 Health Benefits of Moringa

No matter what you call Moringa oleifera — also known as “drumstick tree,” “tree of life,” and “miracle tree” — it's one of the most nutritious plants in the world. It has a wide range of nutritional and bioactive compounds, including essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, making this plant a powerful one.

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Biogenealogy: Why Do We Get Sick?

Biogenealogy is a theory whose primary thesis is that illness is a response to an emotional trauma or shock experienced in a person’s life or in the life of an ancestor. What we call illness is actually a biological response to resolve a conflict. Why do we get sick? Simply put, it allows us to look at something that isn’t working for us. It’s an opportunity to change it.

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Lysine for Cold Sores: Everything You Need to Know

Cold sores, or fever blisters, are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1, also known as oral herpes). While there is no cure, this condition can be treated with common antiviral medications such as valacyclovir or acyclovir. A supplement you might take in addition to antivirals is lysine, an essential amino acid found in protein. It isn’t produced in your body, so you must consume it via an oral supplement or through diet.

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Health, WellnessCarola Cuenca