Computerized Regulation Thermography
Computerized Regulation Thermography, or CRT, is an FDA approved, objective and non-invasive way of evaluating your body’s functions. It is the EKG of the natural physician. CRT represents one of several objective diagnostic evaluations in integrative medicine. It is a medical imaging method that supplies information as meaningful as MRI and X-ray, and is safe and non-invasive. Over 1500 physicians in Europe use CRT. Thermography has over 12,000 citations and studies held within current medical journals.
This particular device evaluates your body functions by a direct temperature measurement probe instead of measuring thermal radiation. The result is a scanning method that is much more precise than any other thermographic system. It maps out the complete autonomic nervous system as it projects to and from each organ or tissue. With this form of thermography, we can finally see what the body is doing long before it becomes dysfunctional enough to create an irreversible problem. This is not diagnosing disease, but rather identifying the patterns that lead to disease, so that these patterns can be successfully treated.
How is Thermography Helpful?
In chronic disease, there are often factors that block successful treatment. These include:
• Infections in the teeth
• Low-grade chronic viral and fungal infection
• Heavy metal toxicity
• Chronic psychological imbalances
• Intestinal toxins and dysfunction
• Immune system weaknesses
• Lymphatic obstructions
• Food allergies
Thermography allows you to see if and where these imbalances are in your body. Remember that no illness occurs in isolation, by itself. There are always patterns of dysfunction. These eventually lead to symptoms of illness, often after years of dysfunction. It is these patterns of dysfunction that the holistic practitioner attempts to define to provide guidance in a successful treatment program.
True healing requires a change in lifestyle. Many of the imbalances in function that are seen on a thermogram are due to lifestyle imbalances over many years. With thermography, we can identify the patterns of illness that these lifestyle imbalances have impressed upon the system. Then, treatment can be better guided towards a successful direction.
Mammography versus Thermography
A major asset of regulation thermography is in the area of early detection and confirmation of breast cancers. In a German study, 54 percent of breast cancer patients were correctly diagnosed by history and physical examination. The number rose to 76 percent when mammography was added. However, when computerized regulation thermography was used, the accuracy of diagnosis rose to 92 percent. Many women today are concerned about the effects of the accumulated radiation that is associated with routine mammograms. That concern is addressed with thermography, and ultrasound when necessary. Mammography can still be a good diagnostic tool, but with thermography, we do not have to rely nearly as much on mammography.
For Further Reading:
• Regulation thermography is described in detail at the National Library for Biotechnology Information in the article:
• EuropePMC Life Sciences Literature describes regulation thermography, also known as European thermography, in the article